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Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Today's observations

As many of you know Malavyia twenty has been with us for nearly a year and a half after being impounded. The saga continues and no hope is in sight that she will leave any time soon. The crew have still not been paid and cant leave the ship, the owners have left them in the mire. What will become of this situation is unclear, but lets hope its soon so the crew can return home to India.
Looking a bit sad now after a year and a half in port
 Another long term resident is still with us, she is coming close to having been here a year, Triton arrived last September just before the Maritime festival and has stayed put ever since.
Still waiting for her next job, old grey Triton
Another visitor this week is Navy training ship HMS Trumpeter, a lovely little lady who looks immaculate as always with a very polite crew on board. A welcome visitor to our port.
HMS Trumpeter 
Last on today's list is Sayan Princess who is a very good example of her class and seems to be well looked after. She looks great even with some overcast looking sky's which is a welcome break from the constant heat we have had recently. There were some other's in town but gaining access to get photos is not always easy, especially since they closed south quay.

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